Meaningful Membership

Here at Quinault we believe that meaningful membership in the local church is a vital part of every Christian's discipleship process. Jesus has given the "keys of the kingdom" to the local church to "bind and loosen," (Matt 18:18-20; cf. Matt 16:18-19). We understand this to be the welcoming in (or dismissing) of individuals into/from membership in a particular local church.

Mutual Discipleship

Church membership provides the environment where we practice mutual discipleship, exercise the gifts God gives us, and where the numerous "one another" commands get to be fulfilled, marking off concrete individuals whom we are to love, forgive, bear with, and pray for. Saying that you "love people in general" requires nothing from you. Saying that you love specific individuals, however, requires a great deal! This is the kind of robust love God expects to mark His people within local churches.

The Process

1. Membership Class: The first step to becoming a members at QBC is to participate in our Membership Class. This class can be completed in its entirety over one weekend (offered several times a year) or in a one-on-one format with an elder over 8-10 weeks. In this class, you will be introduced to what the Bible teaches about membership and the local church, learn about our church particularly, and go over our church covenant and statement of faith.

Agreement with both our membership covenant and statement of faith is required for membership.

2. Elder Interview: After completing our Membership Class, you will meet one-on-one with one of our elders to share your testimony and your understanding of the gospel. This is also a great chance for us to get to know you and answer any remaining questions you have about membership!

3. Church Vote: After successfully completing the class and elder interview, we will work with you to find a Sunday where our members will officially vote you into membership. If you are joining via baptism, this will also happen the same Sunday you are voted in.


To find out more about membership at QBC or to begin the process, please fill out the contact form below.

What does the Bible teach about Church Membership?

Watch our 10-part video series where we dive into what the Bible has to say about the need for every Christian to be a member of a local church.

Watch Now

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