At QBC, one of our greatest desires is for our youth to know and love God. We believe that youth need good role models, healthy friendships, and most of all, the Word of God as their source of truth to grow in their faith, joy, and commitment to Christ. Our goal at QBC Youth is to provide a weekly space where these things can happen–where the youth of our church can encounter the Word of God, grow in their relationships with other teenagers and trusted adults, and ultimately, learn to better love and follow Jesus.
Our 8th–12th grade students gather weekly for doctrinally-sound teaching that draws out the heart, calls sinners to repentance, and equips the saints for a lifetime of faithful gospel ministry (Prov. 20:5; 2 Tim. 3:16–17, 4:1–5).
In the spirit of Proverbs 27:17, the teaching time gives way to small group discussion. Small groups are assigned gender-specific groups geared toward applying the Word in community through intentional conversation, accountability, and prayer.
Game Changer: Sit down with Kirk Cousins, record-setting Michigan State University quarterback and 2012 draft pick of the NFL's Washington Redskins. In Game Changer, Cousins gives readers an inside look at his life--as experienced under the bright lights of college and professional football--and how he puts his faith and values into action, both on and off the field.
In His Image: By exploring ten characteristics of who God is―holy, loving, just, good, merciful, gracious, faithful, patient, truthful, and wise―this book helps us understand who God intends for us to be. Through Christ, the perfect reflection of the image of God, we will discover how God’s own attributes impact how we live, leading to freedom and purpose as we follow his will and are conformed to his image.
"As the leader of QBC Youth (formerly GCT), I have been greatly encouraged by the youth of our church. I have witnessed their growing excitement in their walk with Christ and their desire to love others as Christ has loved them. As I see how the Lord is working in the lives of each of our youth each week, my own faith has been deepened."
Noah Torres